Wednesday 18 September 2013

How Effective Scarxus Stretch Marks Cream Is?

When you hear stretch mark, you usually relate the problem with pregnancy. Though it is a fact, but pregnancy is not the only reason which may cause you to have stretch marks, there are other reasons also, such as excess weight gain, or due to body building, etc. Men and women both can suffer from stretch marks.

What is Scarxus and What does it Promise to do?
Scarxus claims to be a safe and effective stretch mark removing cream, not only for women but also for men. It claims that this cream is not only the remedy for stretch marks but also helps you out to get rid of acne, scars, burn marks, accidental injury marks, Tattoo Removal and Body Piercing scars.
Scarxus promises that it is suitable for all types of skin and for both men and women. It claims that it is all in one solution for the different problem. It comes with 30 days money back guarantee and cost you with 19.99$ excluding shipping charges, when ordered from the official site.

The Science behind Scarxus
The science behind Scarxus is that it aims to provide a single solution to the many different skin problems. It claims that it is a dual action treatment, which not only removes the stretch marks, but also the other problem such as acne, scars, injury marks, etc. It also claims that it is safe and can be used by all types of skin and also helps to give you smooth skin.  It claims that the active ingredients used are of high quality and natural to give you the desired result.

 Key Ingredients: 

The key ingredients used in Scarxus are:
  • Vitamin A - It is used to improve the skin texture and elasticity.
  • Vitamin E- It is an anti-oxidizing agent and helps to maintain the moisture level in your skin. 
  • Calendula and Lavender oil - It helps to smooth the skin texture.
  • Rosemary and Chamomile Oil- It acts as a skin conditioner.
  • Aloe Vera Gel- This is used for healing the wounds and skin burns. It also helps to reduce the acne. 
  • Alfalfa- It is rich in protein. It helps to detoxify the skin and also helps to maintain its softness.
  • Green Tea- It acts as anti-oxidizing agent.  It also helps to rebuild the damaged skin cells
  • Vegetable glycerin- It is helpful to treat acne. 

How Fast Does Scarxus Work?

It claims that it shows the result but you have to be patient, because it takes time. The official site claims that it shows results after 30 days of continuous use. Be patient to see results!!

Pros and Cons
Now moving towards the pros and cons it has, so verify its safety and effectiveness.

  • 30 days money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It is affordable.
  • It has mentioned the FAQ’s, consumer testimonial and contact us information.
  • Not only for stretch marks but also for other skin issues.
  • Don’t have any clinical proves.
  • Do not offer free trials/samples.
  • Ingredients quantity is not mentioned on the site.
  • Confusion about the manufacturer’s name.
  • Contact us tab has no detail address.  
Who Can Use And How To Use?

Men and women both can use this product. It is also suitable for all skin types. It is advised that you can apply the cream 2 to 3 times daily. It is asked to be massaged so that it is completely absorbed into the skin. The cream usually gets absorbed into the skin after 30 seconds.  One thing to be mentioned over here is that it takes time to show results and it may also vary depending upon age and the stretch mark size.

Final Thoughts:

Scarxus claims to be good cream not only for women but also for men. It is a cream not specially for stretch marks but also for scars, acne, burn and injury marks. It claims that it is safe and effective but it doesn’t have any clinical studies. It has listed its ingredients which are all natural.  It has detail FAQ’s and consumer testimonials. It is quite affordable and offers you 30 days money back guarantee, but there is no information about the manufacturer / company. One thing more it takes long time to show its result. So it’s totally on you to wait for that much long time or to search for something else.
